How To Tell If It's Last Babies From Platy?!


New Member
Oct 27, 2012
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Hi there. I am new here. :)
I bought 2 female platys 3 weeks ago. My 4 years old wanted them & picked. The petshop only kept females in a tank so i thought would be ok without worrying any babies come. But was wrong!!
One of them started getting bigger and we thought she was just getting fat so gave some green peas and made sure she wasn't dropsy or any other problems going on.
2 days ago, got up, turned fish tank ligh on & saw Tigey(she is yellowish with black spot one like tiger so my daughter named her tigey) was very slim. And l
found lots lots lots of babies lol Over an hour got about 30-40 babies and gave up. Still more than 20 of them in 20G main tank. Guess she had about 50-60 babies over a night.

My 10G tank are full of babies now. We love them so cute and funny. But already worry if Tigey will have another babies next month. I only have 2 tanks, 10G & 20G. And i know babies can go back to main tank after 6 weeks later. So if there is another coming next month, there will be no room for them.

How i can tell if it was her last babies or i just can't?!?!
If she drop again next month, 4weeks old platy will eat new born ones?!?! Just don't like them be eaten...
I don't think they'll ever have "last babies," unless they aren't kept with males for 6+ months. They can store sperm for up to 6 months (so 6 batches of fry)

The 4 week old platy may eat the new born ones, depending on how big they are. you can tell by their mouth size :)

Many of the babies in your 10G may die (genetic defect, etc.) so in the end, you might not have as much as you thought you would. When they grow up and you don't have room for them, some LFS may take them for store credit (not chain stores though)
Thanks for reply. I only have 2 female platys so.. Wait & see... All babies are doing fine so far with different foods 3 times a day & warm water between 80-82F. Summer is kicking in here australia :) hope they can do well.

I left filter in 10g tank but wrap that filter with net so babies don't stuck in the filter. Am i doing right?!?!
and how i can clean the tank buttom? I can't use any vaccum but not sure what to do. Would not be good just leave all waste there without cleaning..
Net on filter is good :) I use a syringe (without the point) to clean the waste, others use turkey basters I think. But I use it for a breeder net, I reckon it would take forever with a 10 gallon though. You could use a small airline tube to syphon it out, checking the bucket for any fry that may have gotten sucked in.

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