How To Tame A Plec?

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Hey Guys!

I have a L001/L022 (Golden Nugget Sailfin Plec) in with my Malawi Cichlids.. where he has been for at least 7 months. He is about 15 months old in total and started life in my community tank before he outgrew this and moved to Malawi Cichlids tank.
Anyway, he is really shy. I always feed algae wafers after dark because this is the only time he is out and also the Malawi's are asleep, so won't devour the algae wafers themselves.
I only ever see the Plec if I turn the lights on after lights out! Even then, as soon as the lights come on.. he shoots straight in the rockwork, probably damaging himself on the way. The problem is, being a Malawi Cichlid tank, is it's heavily decorated with rockwork to provide hiding places for the cichlids. In the daytime there is no hope of seeing the plec.. which is impressive seeing as he is now about 6-7".
I was just wandering, are there any tips on making a Plec more tame and less scared to see a human!

Any ideas are greatly appreaciated.
Many Thanks
TIM :good:
not sure about taming (but i dont know anything about plecs really) but i have some moonlights (5 blue LEDS) scattered about in my tank - you could use these maybe to see the plec when its dark as he might come out when these lights are on.
they are nocturnal. Of course mines swimming about with the lights on eating. All you can do it put dim lights in, maybe a few leds.
Give it time, feed after lights out - some plecs never come round though so dont expect too much. Saying that, I think it's likely he's more scared of being in with the Malawis than you ;)

Incidentally, an L001 isn't a gold nugget. Tis a gold spot. Gold nuggets are like this - completely different species:

That's not my plec...

this is my plec! :drool:
According to this website aswell,
they are one of the more tame plecs, i've even managed to hand-feed this kind. They are durable enough for a large cichlid tank, as they can hold there own.
Moonlights are the answer, I have them so I can watch my nocturnals feeding and swimming around, my L260 (my old one) was well active at night!
Give it time, feed after lights out - some plecs never come round though so dont expect too much. Saying that, I think it's likely he's more scared of being in with the Malawis than you ;)

Incidentally, an L001 isn't a gold nugget. Tis a gold spot. Gold nuggets are like this - completely different species:

That's not my plec...

this is my plec! :drool:
According to this website aswell,
they are one of the more tame plecs, i've even managed to hand-feed this kind. They are durable enough for a large cichlid tank, as they can hold there own.

That's what I said, if you read my post. It's not a gold nugget - a gold nugget is the one in the link I posted. What you have is an L001 gold spot plec. The website you posted the link to have the wrong common name.

And yes, they are one of the more...erm..bolshy plecs, so will be able to hold their own. But the higher ph Malawis require wont be good for him long term (plecs prefer acidic water on a whole), and at a small size he's still vulnerable to being bullied.

Cichlid tank doesn't necessarily mean a Malawi tank, btw. There are plenty of New World (ie Central/South American) cichlids that share the same water requirements ;) He will survive in a Malawi tank, I'll go so far as to say he'll do ok in a Malawi tank, but it's not the conditions he'd thrive in or needs.

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