How To Sump


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Can someone tell me what I need to make a sump, a input and output really. I need to build one.
Lots of questions,

What do you want to do with it?
How big is the tank involved?
Where, relative to the tank, will it be?
Is the main tank drilled? Or can it be?
Do you have any kit already that you're going to be using, such as an old tank, pumps etc?
What's the budget?
For my marine tank, Am getting around a 90L tank.

My tank would be on my table but theres no room under it for a sump, it would have to be stuffed at the side unless I build a stand or buy one.

I don't want to drill a tank and no it wont be drilled.

No kits ready, I only have my nano marine with a small heater and 1600lph powerhead.

I dont really have a budget.
What do you want this sump for techen? Mainly to hide equipment or to add extra water volume because if its to hide equipment the kent bioreef (which i believe is the tank you are getting) has an area at the back for that.
Yea, I was thinking of just doing my my tank and having a sump for better water volume.
OK, at the side is actually easier in many ways as overflow issues are reduced.

Basically you're looking at a glorified HOB enclosure, input can be simple piping that sets up a syphon. If you want static water levels in the main tank then you want some form of surface skimmer. You may be able to take apart some kit you already have for this, but basically it's pipes. Lots of tanks use weirs to achieve this, as it helps stop a drilled tank from draining dry if a pipe cracks, you may be fine with something simpler, basically you need a tube that runs a constant syphon and has an opening at the desired surface level.

May I recommend redundancy with a second syphon tube. A blocked syphon tube overflowing your tank is annoying.

Output is whatever pump you want that returns to the tank any way you like. I've used externals and dedicated pumps for this. Depends what flow rate you want really.

After that it's whatever compartments you want in there. Sumps are generally set up with baffles that force the water to flow through various chambers and allow static water levels in some (good for things like skimmers). Other sumps are simply large water chambers for volume or filter media. This is where it gets creative and personal, which is why you see pictures of peoples plans all over the place.
Get your self a 50L water safe plastic container from Tesco, get a Tunze overflow box(dont bother with anything else), Match the flow to a Ehiem compact return pump and finally some return pipe....job done :)
i made mine exactly like new york steelos sump/refugium and it works great. i just used silicon and got half inch acrylic from lowes and got them to cut it at the store and it works great. i already had a 30 gallon long sitting and around. it only cost about 50 for the acrylic.

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