Hi fishy55599
What kind of corys are you trying to get to spawn?
Some corys, like C. aeneus (bronze or albino), C. paleatus (peppered corys) C. pandas, and many of the others will spawn readily without much special attention from you. To give them encouragement, try to make their living conditions similar to what nature would do during the spawning season.
In South America, where most of the corys originate, they alternate between having dry seasons and rainy ones. During the dry season (think "summer") the streams and rivers dry up a bit and the chemicals in the water become concentrated. The water warms up some and the flow downstream slows.
Then the rains come. By this time it's getting cooler out and the heavy rains fill the streams and rivers. This dilutes the natural chemicals in them, and causes them to flow faster and become more oxygenated. This is what the corys have been waiting for to spawn.
The idea is to imitate their natural conditions so they believe the conditions will be right for their fry to survive and thrive as they grow to maturity. This can be done by giving your tank a good cleaning and water change. Rinse out the filter and stir the sand or vacuum the gravel as well. If you fill the tank with slightly cooler water and turn off the heater if you have one running, this is often enough to do the trick. I like to increase the amount of meat in their diet at this time too.