How To Stick


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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Right guys, heres my problem. i have a little tank with a mirror on the back. used to house cherry barbs but now it is empty and i would like to convert it to a betta tank. obviously this will mean the mirror has to go - which would require some sort of backing to be stuck inside the tank to cover it over.

the guy at the fish shop said ordinary backing paper and sealant would not work as the backing would go crinkly and it would be extremely hard to clean and even if it did stick it wouldnt be permanent. so...

i went away and had a little think and ive come up with a plan... this is where you guys can help me :hey:

i thought about buying a sheet of opaque black acrylic plastic, cutting it to size and slotting it onto the back of inside of the tank and sealing it with sealant. this would eliminate the crinkling problems and the acrylic is thick and hard so it would be easy to clean (just as easy as glass). does acyrlic leach anything into the water? is it harmful? and will this crazy plan work or is it back to the drawing board?

if anyone has had any success or has any ideas please help, because i REALLY want to get a betta for this tank. :rolleyes:
don't know anything about bettas, but would it be better to stick the backing to the outside of the tank at the back just in case any nasty chemicals do leak.
i cant stick it on the outside because it wouldnt cover up the mirror.
Is the mirror coating on the back of the glass? (like a regular wall mirror)

If so Nitromors paint stripper will remove it. (its just a painted coating)
its hard to tell... the back of the tank is black... :/

im looking at african dwarf frogs. i could have one in there but would it be bothered by the mirror at all? i like the fact that they sing. :)

i need some help guys - i wanted to start doing this tank tomorrow. i looked up about acrylic and it is expensive, especially if it is not going to work. :/

a red clawed crab perhaps?
would the paint be permanent and with it always being submerged by the water would it leach?
I stuck plastic canvas to the back of my tank with small suckers. It works really well, I can also remove it easily to clean the back of the tank when necessary.


This is how it looks. :)
thats a really great idea! :D

can i ask where you got the plastic canvas from?
ive seen those foamy things. will be a last resort as i dont really like the look of them to be honest. but as long as i can have my betta i dont care! lol
I got my plastic canvas in a local craft shop which sells embroidery, cross stitch, etc. but you can get it on ebay. I used a couple of A4 size pieces cut little holes to attach it to the suckers and put it into the tank.
oh yeah that stuff! im gunna go get some! thanks for the fabulous idea! :hyper:

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