How to sterilize tank


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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hi everyone,
I just lost all my fish to a bad outbreak of Ich after I moved. I didn't catch it in time.... :( My question is should I sterilize the tank and equipment, and how? or shoule I just use medications to clean up the water and add more fish? I'd like to sterilize everything and put new rock and water, run it for a waeek to start getting things going and than add fish, but how do I go about sterilizing everything? I'm going to add some non-iiodized salt to my new water, to head off ich in the future. Any advice?


10 Gallon Tank

0 fishies... <Very lonely tank now>
u can put every thing in bleach for 5 days then put it in water for 7 days after that make sure u rinse it thoroughly to get the bleach off it.
Theres no need to sterilize for Ich, if the parasites do not a have a fish as a host, they will die within 48 hours. Ich will always be latent in fish tanks, taking good care of your fish and your water keeps it at bay.

Theres no need to sterilize for Ich, if the parasites do not a have a fish as a host, they will die within 48 hours.

Yes, the parasites, but what about parasite which is on bottom and encapsulated? It takes some time before the capsule breaks up and those new parasites are released to water.

If it was only ich, you don't need to sterilize the tank like Ken wrote. Keep it couple weeks running (remember to feed good bacgeria!!) and after that you can add new fishes. You can also raise temperature, it speeds up parasite "lifetime".
Hi all well good news, I changed my gravel out, medicated the water with some Maracide, and added 5 minnows. Gives the kids something to look at, and lets me know if the problem is gone. Plus the LFS wouldn't warranty any fish I put back in the tank, even though I'm medicating it... But anyways, Next week I'm going to take the minnows back if all goes well and get some new Molly's!!!! I'm excited!!!!


10 Gallon
1 fat head minnow
4 rosy red minnows
You should remember that ALL medicine are somehow toxic to fishes, irritate them, expose to other diseases and could cause resistant bacteria/parasites..

So, no medicines if they are not needed. (Especially no antibiotic! Luckily, only in some countries you get antibiotic without prescripton.)

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