How To Sink Freeze Dried Bloodworms?


New Member
Feb 25, 2008
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The question is in the title really guys... i've got guppies, platies and sword tails all at the top munching away and my tetras/cory's don't get any of this treat.

What methods do people us to make freeze dried bloodworms sink?

Cheers Matt
Hi amatuer and welcome to the site. I have never much used freeze dried worms. To fed the bottom/middle dwellers the best thing to do is use frozen ones. I feed my lot with flake in the morning then with a combination of defrosted bloodworm & Mysis or Daphnia & brine shrimp or mix them up.

Hope this helps and good luck with the hobby.
Hi the way i do it is lay some of them on a piece of tinfoil and wet them a little then freeze them they will sink no probs
Thanks for the replies guys i'll give them a whirl and report back.

I dont like to use them - they are too bitty and messy. You would be better to use fresh frozen ones - the fish would prefer it too!

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