How To Sex ?


Fish Crazy
Oct 4, 2006
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i got a group of schwartzi (sp?) corys in ma tank, and was wondering how you sex them?
Sorry for your wait.

I don't have Schwartizi, but the ususal way is to view the Cories from the top. The female will be wider at the tummy. So far, ime, the female is larger and wider than the male. The male tends to be sleeker and very dapper. I many species the female is almost twice as big at maturity. When a female gets gravid, you will be able to tell, unless the schwartzi are different.

My pandas are harder to tell than most species. But I am getting so I can tell. It's hard to miss when the little fella is swimming all over her. :lol: :lol:
ok, cheers :good:
from the looks of things, i think i may well have 2 females and 1 male.. two of them are much bigger and plumper than the other, even though they were bought at the same time and at the same size..
i havent had any eggs from them that i have seen so i was just curious :)
If you change your title to "How to stimulate Schwartzi to spawn?" you may get a resonse from someone who has spawned them. With three Corys, it may not happen until you add some more, do cool water changes often, and feed high protein like live black worms or frozen blood worms.
actually not to burst your bubble, but you picked a cory that is one of the harder species to spawn and I bet i can count on one hand how many people I know who have spawned them with several fingers to spare. not that it can't happen, it just will be quite a bit harder then alot of other species out there. best of luck with them and I hope you prove me wrong.

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