How To Sex Bristlenose And Are There Different Sorts?


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
I have a golden/albino bristlenose that is approx. 3 inches long now, he/she is growing bristles around his mouth but none that I can see up the middle of his nose/face. Does this mean it's female?

Also I would like to put another plec or similar in my other tank (Juwel Rio 180) as the algae is building up a little and the Leopard Frog L134 that is in there isn't eating the algae.

I wondered if there were other bristlenoses, i.e. I saw a starlight bristlenose mentioned somewhere and also have just seen on Trimar an orange spot bristlenose. I don't want one that grows bigger than 4 or 5 inches but they are great to watch and also great at cleaning the bits of algae that are so difficult to get to with the magnetic cleaner etc.!

Thanks for your help.
I have a golden/albino bristlenose that is approx. 3 inches long now, he/she is growing bristles around his mouth but none that I can see up the middle of his nose/face. Does this mean it's female?

Also I would like to put another plec or similar in my other tank (Juwel Rio 180) as the algae is building up a little and the Leopard Frog L134 that is in there isn't eating the algae.

I wondered if there were other bristlenoses, i.e. I saw a starlight bristlenose mentioned somewhere and also have just seen on Trimar an orange spot bristlenose. I don't want one that grows bigger than 4 or 5 inches but they are great to watch and also great at cleaning the bits of algae that are so difficult to get to with the magnetic cleaner etc.!

Thanks for your help.

it cud be a female ? can u post a pic?

i wud sugges getting another bn of the same species i wudnt mix different species together
it cud be a female ? can u post a pic?

i wud sugges getting another bn of the same species i wudnt mix different species together

Yes, I'll try and post a pic later today after work.

I wasn't planning on putting a second one in the same tank, it's for my other tank where there is currently a L134.
Yeah female for sure. I have seen bristle nose plecos that are only 2 inches develop the whiskers on the whole face as a young age. But like he said it could just be a slow developing male. BUT most likely I agree its a girl.

I have a female BN with a Clown Pleco I am pretty sure my Clown is a female she is really plump. But the 2 get along fine. The Female BN cruises about the whole tank and does not really have one territory. The Clown will scare the BN off from her spot but they never fight.

I would not recommend a Clown pleco if you are trying to control algae. The Female BN tend 2 be peaceful and will get along with any other peaceful pleco. You could put a Rubber nose in there with her. They like to eat algae and only get 5-6 inches.
Looks like a female to me. My babies seem to grow a beard if they are female and the males don't develop anything till they get very large.

She looks very healthy.

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