How To Sex Angelfish?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2012
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I know its really difficult but is there any way to pick a female and a male out?

one of my lfs is selling platinums and I wana get a male and 2 females and try and get a pair. I think they look so nice with the right lighting :p

Aye, Minnnt is spot on, it's nigh on impossible to tell with the juveniles. Even the adults can be a challenge to sex sometimes unless they're in breeding condition. I've got it wrong before and spent some time wondering why things weren't working until I realised that I was trying to breed two females. Worked out well in the end once I realised what was wrong.
I have a book that says even the fish themselves sometimes struggle to tell the differenece between sexes lol
It is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If they are good quality fish you can tell from the shape of the head. If you look at the line from the dorsal fin to the mouth, females have a gentle slope to the mouth, with males the slope ends near the eye, curving sharply to give the mouth a more "beaky" type look.

Male: see how his mouth looks more pointed.


Female: more straight in the face to the mouth.


It can be seen in juvi fish, however this is not a failsafe method as they can change shape again as they grow, but 8 out of 10 times I have been right sexing angels this way.
There about 3 inches, 4-6 inches tall so not really young lol. Thanks for the advise, will only get 3 maybe 4 as I only have a 620t which I can have an adult pair and that's about it, so if I get a pair outa them the others will go.

thanks again
Questions? - Thank you :) they are just plain zebra pearlscale.

If you study them carefully Rob at that size you should be able to see the differences in the head shape. good luck :)
Just went there and asked them on my lunch break. I can get 3 for £33 and that's with a discount of like 4 quid. They have some bared angels at like 3-4cm for £4 each so might get those. I can get platinums Cheaper online, 4 for £30 p&p but they are only 3cm so not sure what to do now, I don't really wana spend loads of money on them but I really like the platinums :/

The platinums they have I've seen a a few with more if a beak shaped face and some without too :/ what would you lot do?

What? They're robbing you blind mate. I would look for a ready mated pair on A.C. or eBay.

3 is the worst number you can buy.

I still wouldn't rely on the minimal nauchal hump in sub adult Angels. If you can't get a group and can't see their ovipositors then I would try another LFS.

Out of the 6 adults I have 2 of the 3 males have a hump and the other doesn't despite it being the biggest of the bunch.
I could get a group, they have like 8 but I don't have the money :( I could get a group of the small bared ones or as you said find a pair online. Struggling to find a pair I like, not to keen on marbled or koi pairs I've been seeing a lot :/ il keep looking though lol

thanks for the advise :)

Blimey that is a bit steep :(, as minnnt said try ebay or ac, I know I have seen them a lot cheaper than that.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh stunning :) I cant wait for my baby zebra's to grow some more, although they are coming on nicely :)
At one of the maidenheads near me has loads of small platinums ones about 3-4 cm at 5 for £20 which is good so I might get them and should get a pair out if it lol.
the guy there knows so much so might be able to get a good mix, 2 males and 3 females?

Thanks for the help guys :)


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