How To Set Up A Powerhead

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2006
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i got this powerhead with my tank and i already have a bio filter and air stones, do i really need this power head or should i return it and use the money towards something else?

if so hows the best way to set it up in my tank?
i got this powerhead with my tank and i already have a bio filter and air stones, do i really need this power head or should i return it and use the money towards something else?

if so hows the best way to set it up in my tank?

It depends do your fish like a current if so keep it if not take it back. Basically thats what a powerhead does is creates a current. Also if its submersible then you can put it anywere you want a current if its not then it has to go at the top of the tank. :good:
it is submersible but i dont know all the fish im gona add yet or if they will like a current.

will it add to my tanks health at all?
it is submersible but i dont know all the fish im gona add yet or if they will like a current.

will it add to my tanks health at all?

It can add to your tanks health some what. For example theres a air hose that comes with it when attached will shoot air bubbles ito the current it shoots out., however since you have air stones that really isn't needed. If you have a sand bottom it will will blow poo and uneating food off the surface so that the filter can catch it more easly. Not sure what model you have but the Aqua Clear which I know you don't have because this isn't submersible but with this one you can buy an attachment that acts like a filter. Also with any kind of powerheard if you have a under gravel filter you can run a tube down to it. IMO I would keep it never know when or if you will need one and if you do you will have one laying around. :good:
actually it is an aquaclear, and i just read its NOT submersible, i was wrong, so i will probly deffenetly be taking it back
Since when are AC powerheads not submersable? I've tossed them in the bottom of tanks for years without a problem.

WOW, LOL I guess I never really read the front of the box that well. I guess you learn something new everyday! Well loveforfhishies there you go sorry for the bad info, I have a pengiun I just thought they weren't submersable, guess the picture on the front of the box threw me off. Thanks for correcting me Tolak and thanks for reponding to me message the other day and your pics looked good. Loveforfishies IMO I would keep the powerhead you have its it has flow control which is a big plus and is submersable which makes it even better. Seeing how your not sure on the types of fish your going to get having a powerhead lying around for current levels will be a big plus. :good:
Lol, I was only concerned because a similar thing happened when Ebo-Jager sold their heater line to Eheim. They started making submersable heaters with a water line mark, and instructed to not submerse them. It ends up they only had to state that due to some sort of legalities, and they were totally submersable.

The bigger problem was when the company changes hands there were some manufacturing glitches. This often happens with any company changing hands, they had a couple of runs of bad heaters nearly 2 years ago. A buddy of mine bought 8 heaters, 6 died in the span of a couple of months. Jager replaced them without a problem, the newer ones work just fine. I was hoping AquaClear didn't go through some sort of sale/reorganization, as I have a few powerheads still in the box.

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