How To Revive Dead Java Moss


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2012
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hi all I just bought a ppiece of bog wood with java moss all over is but the java moss is partly brown there are small amounts of green but not a lot how can I revive It? the plants in my tank grow like crazy should I just leave it in my tank and see what Happens? or is there something special I can Do? p.s I use liquid frets IMG_2013062514675.jpg
I don't think it's possible to recover it. Once it goes brown it's pretty much dead, It's all about getting the water right for them. Good lighting, ferts and CO2 etc.
I find with moss it's hit and miss though.
ok thanks so u think there's nothing I can do
I only know from experience with non-aquatic plants, but I would cut anything that is brown off and give it good lighting and you said you already liquid fert that might help.   Anyways techen is right, once its brown it doesn't revive back to green, so def. remove all brown parts then cross your fingers and hope for the best!
Agree with the cutting of the brown, but java moss is well known for surviving adversity. I wouldn't worry about it being all dead if I were you. From what I see in your picture your moss should be fine.
great thanks guys I removed some dead parts and tied some new green moss here's what it looks like
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I'm sorry, I have nothing sensible to add to the discussion, I shall now go......
I agree, you don't need to worry too much. It will propogate from the smallest piece. I have it and it came attached to a java fern, I didn't even buy it.

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