How To Reduce Water Current From Hob Filter


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I guess kind of a simple question, but I'd like some suggestions on how I can reduce the current from the HOB filter in my 10gal tank.
I plan on putting another betta in where the filter is, and well, bettas aren't exactly strong swimmers so I need to find a good way to help reduce the current it makes so it won't push the betta around everywhere.
There are ways of doing this but it depends on the filter. What is the make and model of the filter?
I have no idea. It came with the tank. It was one of those starter kit deals for a 10gal tank. Came with heater, filter, blahblahblah.
On the lid it says Topfin 10. It's that Petsmart brand.
Can you take a picture?

I used to use real thin platic like plastic cooking wrap on the intake to restrict water flow on my old internal filter.
how about some filter wool?? slows flow a lot but becomes quite dirty. just clean it weekly and you should be fine.
I tried that, didn't work. Well, it did only when the wool would start to clog up.
Any chance of fitting a spraybar?

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