How to rearange my tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2004
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I am thinking about rearanging my tank (14G) to a more JUNGLE look! How would u say i go about doing this?
Can i work around the fish
Can i put the fish in a bucket of the tank water

What is best?

Thanks ;) B) :p
When I rearrange the tank, I usually leave the fishes in the tank - they usually run away from your hand anyways... ;)

If you have any plecos, make sure you are not crushing them - at least mine are pretty stupid, I can touch them by hand, and if I'm not careful, they will let me place a stone on top of them!
2morrow i am goin to rearange my tank i am goin to buy some bog wood and place it in the center of the tank!

I dont no weather i should have rocks or plants at the back so i need a bit of help!

so how would you say i set out my backgorund becasue i havent got a clue :S :S :/ :huh: -_- :unsure:
i' m no good at designing,
if i was rearrange my tank i would put them in a bucket and give glass a good clean (algae) and seeeing as there are no fish a good gravel clean

Thats the head on view i have:

1 bogwood (bigish)
1 long air stone (to go along the back and i can mould)
4 rocks
Lots of fake plants
and a small nightlight

What i was thinking is have the bog wood in the centre of the tank and then plants at the back and the rocks infront of the plants, then the airstone at the back or in and out of the bog wood and then the small light IN the bog wood

BUT i would really like to no ur ideas
You shouldn't really be using shells : / they can mess up your pH.

P.S. live plants are prettier! they'd look more "jungle-like" and aren't much extra work if you get the right ones.
If it was my tank i would:

Remove the shells :)
Move the rock to where the filter housing is (see pic)

Put the largest rock against the filter housing (not blocking any intakes)
Put the next largest against the filter housing too
Put the smallest rock in front of the other two
Put some tall plants in between the rock so that it shields the filter housing (again not blocking any intakes)
Plant the rest of the plants in the other corner, biggest at the back - smallest at the front.

Remember - it's your tank. You're the one that has to look at it :p
To get a jungle look slope your gravel from the highest (about 2") at the back to about 1" at the front. Put tall plants at the back graduating to small ones in the front. If possible use real plants - IMO looks much more natural. Find a nice piece of bogwood for the centre piece, a few more stones for the fishies to hide in, and wait for the plants to grow. There's no need to take the fish out when you rearrange your tank - just be careful not to squash anyone.

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