How To Put Words Into Bold


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Well ive been trying to put letters in bold, but the button doesnt really work...On the old versions, you put one before the text you wanted to be bold, and then one afterwards, but now it doesnt seem to work that way... Anyw help?
Thanks alot
Ok just used the old type of bold, cheers anyway
you have to highlight the words you want bold before pressing the bold button, ie drag the mouse cursor across the word to select it then press the button
Ok thanks alot, im gonna use the old things aswell, thanks alot.
I can never be bothered to move my paws 6" to the right, grab the mouse.....

type in some square brackets either side of the text you want to go bold. Start bold with a b, end it with a / b, NO SPACES.

[ b ]make me bold[ / b ]
[ u ] underline me [ / u ]
[ b ][ i ] bold and italic[ / i ][ / b ]
[ quote ] a quote [ / quote ]
[ code ] a snipped of code or spaced table [ /code ]

remember: NO SPACES like i've used...

Next thing you know, you'll be writing html pages by hand!


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