how to move this anemone?


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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I had a hermit crab anemone. And I had to put him in the sump for destroying all my feather dusters. He got really big and decided to have Feather Dusters part of his main course. So i had to put him in prison (sump, no light) until i found him a new home. Unfortunately no body wanted his NOW unreef safe ***. So after 3 weeks in prison, sadly, he's dead. I kept the shell because I love the anemone on it. Never seen it anywhere. That was about a month ago. The anemone is doing great. Growing faster I think. One anemone moved into the hole of the shell. I never seen such a strong anemone. This thing holds on soooo tightly to shrimp, nets, etc. Strongest anemone I've ever seen for its size. Sometime when i fed the Hermit crab shrimp the shrimp would get stuck on the anemone and the crab would get lifted out of the water.

So here are some questions, That i would appreciate.
1. ID anemone
2. How can I move it onto LR (do i have to wait? will it EVER move to LR, or does it prefer the shell?)
3. Since, it's so strong is it gonna kill my fishes soon when it gets bigger?

The picture maybe isn't that clear. It has a orange ring inside. And its "POO POO" is also that florescent orange also.

Thanx alot guys.
My first observatio was that it might be a Majano, (if so then get rid as they are aquarium pests beaten only by Aiptasia). However the phot isnt clear so its just as likely to be something else.

There are several ways of safely moving an anenome, You can place the shell in an are in the main tank that you know the anenome will not appreciate. (if its light loving (most nennys are) then place in a shaded area). And after a coupl eof days the nenny will move to find better living conditions.

Or you can try the icecube approach. Get an icecube and place it on the base of the nenny where it tounches the shell, the nenny should retraact from the cold. Do this slowly around the base and eventually the nenny will come off teh shell altogether. (be prepared to have lots of icecubes). Both ways wil do no harm to the nenny and cause no tissue damage. Ripping it off the shell will rip the nenny and its then highly likely that stress followed by i nfection will set in.
Yeah, they definitely like to move on their own.. Mine is atop my LR now due to 2 days power outtage.. He's looking for light. He'll probably move back down once the ligths come back on..
Nennies? hehe. You know it's spelled "aneMone" right? Cute tho ;)

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