How To Move A Large Pacu


New Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hi guys well some of you have seen my posts about my very sick pacu and now he is much better but im in the process of buying a new tank and wanted to know how is the ebst way to move a 16" + 7 year old+ pacu lol. He is really a odd fish and will smash into the glass with the slightest movement so im really afraid of moving him but he needs it badly. Even a bigger problem is the new tank is going in the old tanks spot so i have to find a way around that was well. Tank he is in now is a 55g new tank is as big as i could fit and still manage 180g (Hope the floor holds) lol. I dont really have acess to another tank to put him in temp so how do you move fish this large? thanks in advance.
For my tankbusters I use a net to guide them into a pail. Never had any problems and they don't seem to mind it much once inside of it.
not sure if i can find a pail big enough that will fit into the tank... its so hard to come up with a way and not strees him too much... i even thought about a kitchen type trash can but he is tall and long so its hard cause it needs to be big lol
good on you for getting the bigger tank firstly

i've never had to move a fish that big but if it was me i would make sure i planned it all very well, got as many friends family etc to help as possible and made sure they were all completely up to speed on the plan before even starting.

get a very large net and a large plastic bin/tub..... fill the tub, put a heater and an airstone in get it up to the right temp (make sure you dechlorinate the water)

so as not to spook him you need to get him first time with the net, so over a few days before gradually remove all decor from the tank so there's nothing to get in your way and you've nothing in the tank to mess around with before catching him. get him netter and with the assistance of a few people hold him in the net and lift him out of the tank and into the tub. put something over the tub to keep it dark in there he'll be less stressed.

then strip down the tank and set the new one up as quick as you can and carefully transfer him back over.
yeah that looks like the plan...i havent found a big enough pail type thing yet so im going to see if i can borrow a 55g tank or something to move him into for the time being lol. Right not theres no decor in the tank and probably wont be much in the new tank to give him all the room i can lol.. maybe a few plants and etc in the new one since he will feel like the new one is a river in comparison
If you are on the ground floor the floor will surely take the weight of the tank. If its an upper floor I'm not so sure, check the code on your building as 180 gallons of water is heavy! I'd say the best way, without risking property damange from water splash, is to start siphoning the water so its harder for him to just smash into the glass and there won't be as much water going everywhere. Good luck on your fish!
I'd say vaccum out the old water into one of those little plastic kiddie pools then transfer him into it when the water lvl in the 55 gallon is really low
Nope im on the second floor... i really am getting worried now lol... some people say no problem others have doubts.... grrr..... He is like 10 inches or so tall so he needs alot of water to cover him
Maybe if you could find a brand new big cheap garbage can. That could work, those are really tall and and pretty big. I'd use a net to transfer him, like a pond net.
I also agree with Fate about the kiddie pool idea. I have 1 question though. I think your biggest concern should be about putting your fish into the uncycled 180 gallon. Have you thought about what your going to do cycling wise?
180 gallons of water weighs in at 1,502 pounds. Now add the weight of the tank, plus substrate. You're approaching 1 ton. You're putting this on a second floor? Are you living in an apartment? If so, and that thing comes crashing through the floor, you could be sued for tens of thousands of dollars in property damage alone. If you kill somebody, you'll be ruined financially for the rest of your life after a wrongful death lawsuit in the amount of oh say $5,000,000 is brought against you and won in court.

Now, just how much is that fish really worth?
Why can't you just move some furniture on the first floor and find a place for the tank? That way you woulden't have as much trouble moving the fish and with the tank coming crashing through the floor.
That's a large tank for a second floor, I would consult a carpenter familiar with framing at the least. Without actually seeing the construction of the building it's impossible to say if it would be safe, or a disaster waiting to happen.

No matter how you move the fish it is going to cause some stress. With larger fish I just get a good pair of leather palmed gloves, drop the water level & grab them. I have a 15" common plec that I've moved this way a few times. A large cooler works well for a holding tank, it keeps the water temperature from dropping, and has a lid to keep them in & keep light out.

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