How To Make A 'tank' Room In A Garage?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Near Leeds, W.Yorks
I am moving shortly and my 8 tanks ( 1 x 5', 3 x 4' + 4 smaller ) are to go in a double garage.Obviously I can'y use all the room so I'm looking for some ideas as to how to section some off and insulate then heat. Any ideas, suggestions, advice as to materials etc
Following that link is the easiest way to divide the garage.

Simply build a stud wall from 3x2" sawn timber, fill the cavity with insulation and board it off with 1/2" plywood which is then painted with an oil based paint. To keep the warmth in it is also best to stick some insulation to the ceiling as well to prevent heat loss through the roof otherwise heating costs can be very high.
Am I right in thinking that when you get to this sort of territory it becomes more economical to heat the room rather than the individual tanks?
Yes, my shed has 2 tubular heaters run from a thermostat, and keeps it at 28C easily, and costs under £10 a month to run. Don't cheat on the insulation and the running costs are cheaper.
I think you may also have to do some electrical also unless you have plenty of outlets. Most garages I've seen only have a couple of outlets.
*goes off into dreamy land imagining the joy of some garage space*

i think everyone has covered it. except they also missed making sure that any doors and windows are also appropriately sealed :)

whilst it is more economical to heat the entire place, its more comfortable to be in if the tanks get heated individually and also allows for speciic environment creating, depending upon how exact you wish to be :)
*goes off into dreamy land imagining the joy of some garage space*

i think everyone has covered it. except they also missed making sure that any doors and windows are also appropriately sealed :)

whilst it is more economical to heat the entire place, its more comfortable to be in if the tanks get heated individually and also allows for speciic environment creating, depending upon how exact you wish to be :)

I decided some years ago to heat my fishroom, rather than the individual tanks. Whilst it was more ecconomical, it was also uncomfortable to do any maintenance work in there (I was keeping 16 tanks of discus at the time). I subsequently compromised and added heaters to the 6ft. sump tank, which was on a central filtration system, and found it worked quite well.

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