You can buy phdown from any LFS. Just ask them what treatments they have to lower PH, it is very cheap to buy, and extremely effective.
But it can cause quite a shock to the fish with every water change. Say tap water pH is 8.0 and the tank with pH down is 7.0. You change 50% of the water in the tank which leads to a pH of 7.5. Changing drastically from 7.0 to 7.5 can send the fish into shock.
I don't think adding any unneccessary chemicals to the tank is likely to help anything. As long as you will not be keeping any fish that require a certain pH such as discus or certain cichlids your tap water is fine. Most likely the fish at your local LFS are in the same pH already and have become accustomed to it.
Also, buy a test kit & test your tap. As Skifletch said while cycling you will have pH fluctuations. Also Wolfs link gives some great ways to naturally lower pH without adding chemicals.