How to keep brine shrimp alive?


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
I juts hatched bbs for the first time tonight as i was expecting guppy fries but they never came...

anyway,. my guppies are emjoying themselves right now, eating away the bbs.

Since I hatched a lot, is there any way I can keep them alive by feeding them something because I won't feel like doing this all the time....

Thanks guys
Brine shrimps (artemia) are pain in the butt to keep alive. Here is a link that explains how to hatch/raise/feed them. To summerize, artemia are filter feeders. They will eat pretty much anything that will fit their mouth. You can use yeast, spirulina, or FINELY grounded soybean powder. IME, Yeast aren't nutritious, and they ususally don't do well in long term with yeast. You can get the spirulina powder from Brine Shrimp Direct. Make sure you don't overfeed, or you'll wipe them out! Also, circulate the water with an airpump. Don't use the air stone though.

IMO, daphnia are easier to keep alive. They also don't die as quickly in fresh water. Only the newly hatched artemia are of any value since they are small enough for most fry. But then again, microworms are easier to raise and makes better food for fry.
In one of my LFS's (maidenhead aquatics) they sell frozen baby brine shrimp, anyone near you do that as that would be the ideal solution.


[EDIT spelling]
If you freeze the brine shrimp then it will still be good for up to 3 months but it will not be alive.

To keep the brine shrimp alive for a couple of days you can add some brine shrimp water solution (water plus the correct amount of salt) into a small cup, pour your brine shrimp in the cup and put the cup in the refrig.

I don't believe there is anyway you can keep brine shrimp alive for more than a couple of days unless you keep raising them which they might get to big to fit into baby fry's mouthes.
My idea was to get a few of them bigger to treat my larger fish to brine shrimp :)
They do eat the babies. Plus it'd give me something to do on weekends and such...

People buy seamonkey tanks so there must be a way to keep brine shrimp alive and grow them.

Last time i hatched bbs i threw in a inch of Hikari first bite and they minched on it.
Maybe they could grow off this and then I'll try feeding them veggies or something
Don't know if it is any help but I had a few Daphnia in my Danio fry tank and have been feeding liquid fry food. The Daphnia have thrived. The adults are much too big for the fry to eat but the fry eat some of the baby daphnia. The daphnia also act as a biological filter!
Yes,if the conditions are just right they give live birth. Other times they lay eggs. Daphnia are fascinating -_-
I kept brine shrimp alive for about a month. they got a good size then started breedinng and laying eggs then died after a little bit. but let the water dry up then add more water and the eggs that were layed should hatch and you start all over agian. I added yeast for them to eat and kept the water line at the same place by adding water so the salanity did not get to high. and I used pure water

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