How to help a fish recover from jumping out of the tank?

Emilee Maphui

New Member
Nov 7, 2018
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Last night, on New Years Eve, my filter of a few years stopped working. It was too late to get a new filter as most things closed down by then. I did a partial water change and hoped for the best. When I woke up at 2 am, the two fish inhabiting the tank, two 4 year old albino corydora catfish had jumped out the hole in the lid where the filter is. The first one I found and got in the tank has some really bad injuries, most of it's body is red and it's top fin is all torn up. The second one that I got to later has a small amount of red in it's back fin but that's about it. They were both alive this morning and I was able to run out and get a replacement filter. I did water testing and added ammonia remover to the tank, some aquarium salt and stresszyme to help them out. The pretty beat up fish seems to be struggling a lot more than the other one, and not moving around. I was able to get the other fish that was in better condition to eat today, but not the more-wounded fish. Is there any medicine/anything I can do to try to help my fish recover/help them not pass away?
Clean water is all that will be beneficial. They may recover or they may not.

I would do a large water change to try and get out as many impurities as possible.
I would also not add any more ammonia remover. Its not needed. Just do water changes when you get a reading.
Just keep them as comfortable as possible. Corys do pop to the surface but jumping out is something mine never did. The only time I've had a situation like yours is a goldfish jumping out during an accidental ammonia spike. It too had red coloring more like red streaks. Please check your water parameters and let us know what you find. Especially check for ammonia.

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