How To Get Rid Of...


Nov 28, 2006
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how to get rid of green hair algae ?
it seems to be getting out of control now so- how is this happening- how can i stop it- how i can prevnt this in the future
also what invert or fish eats green hair algae as nothing is eating it
cheers lee
I bought a shed load of snails from ebay to deal with all the brown and hair algae. Within 5 days my tank was as clean as a whistle. Even the rocks are spotless too.
you need to find the source first, are you using ro water? what are your parameters?
Your sea turtles aren't taking care of that? lol.Rowaphos works great for me.
i have two mani algae eeaters ( fish wise)a yellow eyed bristle tooth tang and flame angel they eat all my algae apart from the green hair algae
also shall i change my phos guard?
Is the phos guard white or brown? And more importantly, how long has it been in there.
white when it started i will check colour 2moz and about 3 weeks maybe not even that
white when it started i will check colour 2moz and about 3 weeks maybe not even that
would prob be best to remove it as it usually only lasts 3-4 weeks max, without testing u will never know weather its at saturation point.
did the hair algae reduce at all after u put it in then come back witha vengance as time went on? if so u probably needed more as the substrate will hold shed loads of phosphate as well
also LFS advised me to cut lighting time down, whats ur lighting time at mo?
i will check posphate later and the phos guard 2 moz doing a 10% water change later and my ligthting is 10 - 7 blue (9 hours)11 - 6 white(7 hours)

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