How to get rid of fish...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I have a Chineese Algae eater that I need to get rid of. I tried calling the local fish store and they said they wont take him.

Is it a stupid idea to free him into a freshwater lake nearby?

What are some common options?

kribsinvcrib said:
Find out someone in the TFF who lives near to you, and who'd like to have the CAE. :)
That's a pretty good idea :thumbs:

Its not really sensible or fair to release it into a wild albiet natural enviroment when its been in an aquarium. Chances of survival are pretty slim bit like trying to release captive bred animals back into the wild its a long and delicate process.
There should be some other lfs near you that will take in your CAE... all the ones I have around me love to take in fishes -_-
Or your could go with the idea kribsinvcrib had! :D
I'm thinking the guy I talked to on the phone today didn't know what he was talking about. Because I remember when I bought the fish they said they would take it back if it ever got too big.

I'll call them again tomorrow and ask again.

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