How To Get Rid Of Algue In A Pond?


Jul 9, 2007
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Reading, UK
I have recently built my pond and it has been up and running for about 6 weeks and there has been a sudden bloom of algue. My pond used to be crystal clear but suddenly its not clear.

Can anyone help?

This happened to my pond in the first few weeks, and it happens every year around this time. I bought ramshorn snails which helped clear the algae, buy lots of oxygenators and surface covering plants: lilies, water hyacinth, water soldier. A UV filter also helps. But in the first few weeks the bloom is expected becasue the pond is still new.

Good luck and enjoy your pond! :good:
The pond has a massive filter which I can't renember the name of with a 24w uvc tube but getting a bigger one. Err only 2 small pots of oxygenaters which are not very established. No lillies at the monent but getting some soon. The pond is 12000 litres.

I'd personally recommend a UV filter and more aquatic plants in the pond- the UV filter will make the algae clump together so it can be caught in the filters sponges, while more aquatic plants will help use up the nutrients and block out the light that the algae thrives off. Algae killing chemicals are not a complete solution (although they do kill off algae), since all the dead algae collects at the bottom of the pond where it turns into a mucky nutrient rich mud, which only fuels future algae blooms.
Most new ponds suffer algae problems in their first year or two, and most of the time these stop- my pond got green water in the summer it was first set up in, but once i the aquatic plants i bought started to establish themselves, i never got anymore algae blooms in the pond again :thumbs: .

A lot of people don't like duck weed, but its actually very effective at preventing algae blooms in ponds since it blocks out the light and uses up lots of nutrients (it also attracts lots of wildlife like dragonflies and mayflies and can help shelter very small fry etc)- its not the easiest of stuff to completely get rid of though, however its very easy to control since you can fish out mats of the stuff with a stick and it doesn't really grow in the winter and IMHO it can look very attractive in small quantities- it is one of natures solutions to getting rid of and preventing green water, which is why i allow it to be in my pond (the weed itself also composts very quickly and makes decent compost), but thats just my take on the stuff :) . When i last removed a large section of duckweed from my pond a month or so ago, the water in the pond was wonderfully crystal clear underneath the weed (even in the deepest part, just over 4ft deep, you could see right down to the bottom, it was like crystal clear tap water). About duck weed .
Thanks. but one slight problem with adding duck weed is that my waterfall is quite powerful and it may push all the duckweed around.
I've never used chemicals, the plants and filter seem to clear it up ok. The snails also worked for me in the first yeat but I've noticed them less each year. This is the third year of my pond, and I have algae at the moment beacause the plants havn't all grown back. I just clear as much as possible, and accept that I will get some, but the plants cover it up :D

It is annoying but once the pond establishes it'll get better :) my fish eat any duckweed I've had, lol.

Have you got any fish in your pond yet?
No, I have not got any fish in there at the moment but eventually hoping to get 20 european minows, 2 Tench, 5 gudgeon and 3 roach. I do have a pair of call ducks in my pond(call ducks = smaller versions of wild ducks.) Will this manage alright?

Hi tom,

my filter in my pond has a UV light built in so if you decided to look for a new filter get a green genie make. My pond water is very clear. However, i have found a natural object which i think can reduce green algae significantly. Barley straw. Just ask a farmer friend or jus drive down to a farm or someone you know with it and fetch back a bag. Get all the straw together and tie it together into a bale. Let it float around for about a week. It reduced my blanket weed significantly and i've heard it helps even more with algae.

Hope this helps
Thanks everyone for your comments but the real reason was that the algue was not going was because theres a litlle switch that turns the UVC tube on and I did not :blush: Now the pond is clearing well!

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