how to get my girl to eat??


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Guelph, ON
in previous posts, i've mentioned that i got a new ct girl. she's really adorable!!!! anyway, i gave her one freeze dried bloodworm 2 days ago and she ate it. i gave her one hikari bio-gold pellet and she ate that yesterday. today, she won't eat the pellet. she's definitely hungry because she kept on looking up to see what i was dropping into her tank and took the pellet but spat it out. i really don't want her to be on a strict bloodworm diet. for all my other 4 bettas, pellets are staple and bloodworm is given as a treat.

should i just starve her until she eats the pellets?? or what other alternatives would anyone suggest??

thanks so much!!! ;)
My male betta used to be like that until I realized I had picked up tetra food instead of betta flakes. :rolleyes:

Anyways, don't starve her. If she doesnt realize right away that she gets the pellets or nothing, try mixing some of the food that she does like with the stuff she spits out. I had to do that with my betta and now he eats his pellets happily.
If you can find a lps with frozen foods, I would get some Daphnia,Brine shrimp,or Mysis shrimp. Walmart has a Tetra Betta Flake that most of them like well. Having a varied diet will be much better for them also. Buying different things can be a bit costly at first, but if you are going to have them, you will always be buying food. I just get it to start with, the fish have a variety, and it still lasts as long on feedings.
hiya, from what i know my fussy lil male does, he will just not eat the hi-bio betta pellits, so i feed him flake, then try him with a pellet if i think he mite eat it. but when i got my 2nd male, mr purple, he would only eat 1 pellet a day for the 1st 3 days, then he wudnt eat anything! so i tried him on blood worms, and flake, then the betta pellets, and he now eats just the pellets, with blood worms as a treat once a week. how long have you had your new female ? mayb itts her way of settling in, she may just need time to adjust to her new home.
well... i had her since wednesday. so do you think she is still adjusting. i did have a ct male that didn't eat until two weeks later.... ?!!
My Betta male gets finicky every now and then. I feed him pellets and dried worms. He refuses any kind of flakes. Sometimes he spits out the pellets too! I think he's just a picky eater. But it passes after a day or two.

I'm sure your little girl is just adjusting. If she's already eaten and seems hungry it shouldn't be something to really worry about. Maybe the pellet you gave her is too big? I noticed that sometimes in my boys if the pellet is too big, they'll chew it then spit it out. If I give them a smaller one they'll gobble it up. Yeah also try some flakes and live foods, maybe she likes to hunt :)

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