How to get biofilm off of wood?


New Member
Sep 2, 2023
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I am starting to notice a build up of Biofilm on the piece of wood on my tank especially on the back of the piece, I want to know what you guys do to get rid of it. I’m pretty sure that biofilm is harmless but I just want to get rid of it on my wood, it looks icky .

please give me recommendations!

and if anyone has a good aquarium vacuum recommendations please let me know, I have a 5 gal tank for more information . I just bought one but it really isn’t just that good for cleaning so please recommend some great ones For good prices :) it will be such a big help thank you
— I wish I could take pictures but it’s very hard for me to since it’s in the back of the tank and i really can’t reach there but there is a lotta film in there
I have shrimp, snails, amphipods, and micro crabs in my little 5.5 gallon aquarium and I use a regular turkey baster to change water and suck muck off the bottom of the tank. Biofilm is not an issue in that tank as many of the inhabitants feast on biofilm.

New driftwood can get that thick biofilm. It happened here in one of my aquariums. You can use a little toothbrush to scrub it off using some tank water in a pail. In my case it happened once with a new piece of wood, I scrubbed it clean and it did not reoccur.
A photo would help, but a description might as well. "Biofilm" doesn't tell us because all surfaces under water have a biofilm, usually unseen. It is what attaches to the biofilm that might become visible (like algae), or something inside the wood may be leeching out (like fungus).

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