How to force-feed a fish?


Fish Herder
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester. UK
Hi guys,

My fish (Female Swordtail) has started refusing to eat few days ago. At first, she would grab a flake then reject it. Now few days on, she has lost all her interest in food, including flakes, brine shrimps n bloodworms. :no:

Her appearance is ok, fins up, swimming ok, no physical symptoms except her abdomin grows smaller (not to the point of emaciation) as a result of not eating I guess.

Her poop is white n thin like a thread, with white blops in between. If she's having internal protozoan parasites or bacteria, her abdomin should have swollen -_- (?) Or she's having digestive disorder like constipation?

I tried transferring her to a 5 gallon hospital tank for observation but she's clearly stressed out in there. :X So I put her back to the 19 gallon.

Can someone help me identify her illness n get her to eat? I can't force-feed her, can I? Cheers~~

ps. ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10-20, temp 25.5C (78F)
internal parasites im pointing towards, i've had a number of fish that showed these symptoms and sadly haven't made. so im hoping someone else with more experience can shed some light on it.
If a fish isn't eating, its a sure sign of quite serious internal problems, I would agree with bigfish's conclusion. However its not a problem I've ever had before. So perhaps someone who has can step up to confirm for certain?
White feces is usually a sure sign of an internal bacteria. Not sure what's available in the UK but I would go to the lfs and get a med for internal bacteria and quarantine the fish again to treat.

If she's stressed in there, add some cover for her to hide behind and keep the lights off. Is the quarantine tank cycled?
If she's stressed in there, add some cover for her to hide behind and keep the lights off. Is the quarantine tank cycled?

Yes smb, there's a "slice" of rock (as big as my hand) n a plant there. The light's also off n cycled but she's still stressed out. -_-

Question: Should I put here in there anyway? Or should I do treatment for the whole tank?

Which one should I go for as treatment? Internal bacteria or parasite? Both have possibilities!
Anyway I've put her in the hospital tank now. Have added an extra plant for her to hide. Also added Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria.

Hopefully I have good news to bring :unsure: *fingers crossed*

Thanks for all the replys guys!! :)
If she gets any worse and is still living :-( then you could get this medication that you put in the water and the fish absorbs the nutrients through its skin or gills, I don't know which. I'm not sure what it's called but if it gets to that point...
Hey Feline.

just wanted to ask, does intepret anti bacteria also kill parasites? also, it might kill the benificial bacteria...i hope it is bacteria, otherwise, your treating it for something it doestn have!

Hope to hear your good news. Best of luck!

Hi PT,

Thanks! The treatment I m using won't kill parasites so I'm gambling on it, bad I know but I got no way of telling if it's bacteria or parasite.

I've taken a look at a piece of poop :sick: under the microscope but can't see anything moving. Or mayb if there's parasites or bacteria, I don't know how they look like... :/

From the bottle, they said the treatment won't kill of beneficial bacteria so hopfully the water stays good ...

If there's no signs of recovery after finishing the treatment then I'll switch to the one that treats parasites. -_- (Altho I'm prepared for the worst :-( )
Hi Feline,
The interpet anti internal bacteria is a great med, Ive used on Discus with great results. I have seen no ammonia or nitrite readings while using it.

My feeling is parasites, but finish the bacteria treatment first.
When that is finished, raise the temp to 27 or 28C and add a med that has formailin and/or malachite green at quater then half then full dose at the intervals given on the pack.
The higher temps will stimulate an appetite and the meds will attack parasites that are reproducing.
Metronidazole is a good treatment for internal parasites but I think you need a presciption in the UK.

Hi Ken!

What med would u recommend that has formalin/malachite green in it? Any good with Octozin or Sterazin by Waterlife as I've got both.

Can u get hold of Metron in dublin? Last time I'd to take the fish to a vet for a prescription!!


u could use a general tonic and aquatic salt in conmination or try a different diet. and a stress treatment.
Hi Feline,

We need a prescription here too!

Sterazin is a good med, if a little strong, I would use it at 1/2, 3/4 and full strength on the days stated on the pack. If I remember, you did have Red Claw Crabs, you probably know you can't use Sterazin in a tank with any invertebrates such as crabs or shrimps and scaleless fish such as clown loaches and catfish etc may be irritated by it.

I have use Tetra contra-spot or contra ich, not sure what its called exactly, it has malachite green and formalin listed as ingredients. Waterlife dont seem to state what they use in meds, but I suspect Sterazin has copper salts in it.

I would be very hesitant to use Sterazin if the problem only affects one fish, the best course of action would be to use it a treatment tank with temps of 27-29C and do 10% water changes daily in the main tank and 20% daily in the treatment tank.

I can get metronidazole here and swear by it for internal parasites. I'd gladly send you a box feline. I realise it likely wouldn't arrive in time to help this swordtail, but if you'd like to have some on hand, just pm me and let me know. :thumbs:
From Ken:
If I remember, you did have Red Claw Crabs

:clap: U have good memory Ken!! However, one of them eventually died because of losing both of its arms (it wouldn't take food from me :X ), then the another one died a month ago after molting. Guess it's too weak :dunno: :-( I think I'll have to do more research b4 starting to keep them again! :byebye: :book: It's kinda hard bcos I can't find much information on keeping them...

From AquaNut:
I'd gladly send you a box feline. I realise it likely wouldn't arrive in time to help this swordtail, but if you'd like to have some on hand, just pm me and let me know.

Aww u r so soo sweet Kirsten!! I really appreciate ur help! :nod: :thumbs: But in the mean time I'll try phoning up the vet to ask her if she knows the ingredients in Octozin - a medicine we could get here in UK, as the med is for flagellated protozoa. Cos I believe there should be some metron based med available to treat internal parasites here ... ... :unsure: :dunno: Anyway thank you for the kind offer! U r an angel! :# :D

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