How To Find A Fish


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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I have a lovely £45 plec, and having just added him to my main tank, i was wondering how i will ever see him again?!

I used to see him when he was in the QT as its only 26L! But now he is in my main tank, i have not seen him. I just want to make sure he is ok, and of course, see him for my own viewing how do i do it?

I have night lights; i have tried feeding at night; i put in veg after the lights go out, but i have not seen him yet!
Have an empty tank is the only way. They like to hide so if there are hiding places they will use them. With most plecs it hit or miss if they will be out. I have a rusty plec which is out quite often. I also have a GN which hides all the time. 2 x BN plecs 1 hides one doesnt! Crazy fish! LOL
yeh i used to have a cool plec (which sadly died after a P@H incident...not that i'm bitter, of course) who we NEVER saw. This guy was a gift from a friend, who was out all the time in his tank, but our tank is full of hiding places. I guess he will just be a challenge to visiters we have "go find the plec"
I have a lovely £45 plec, and having just added him to my main tank, i was wondering how i will ever see him again?!

I used to see him when he was in the QT as its only 26L! But now he is in my main tank, i have not seen him. I just want to make sure he is ok, and of course, see him for my own viewing how do i do it?

I have night lights; i have tried feeding at night; i put in veg after the lights go out, but i have not seen him yet!

What kind of plec?

I have a clown plec who rarely comes out and 2 bristlenose plecs who are out all the time.
I never saw the bn plecs for the first few weeks after adding them, I think it all depends on the kind of plec and whether or not they feel comfortable being out and about. It`s the luck of the draw I guess but if you have the type that prefers to hide then you can`t force the issue unfortunately.
I also have a very nice clown plec which I didn`t see for about 4 weeks but in the last week he seems to have taken up residence in one of my open caves so now I can see him pretty much all the time ( or at least untill he moves on again ) I think hes moved to this cave as thats where I leave his algae wafer at night. So you could try that.
cut back on feeding for a few days and make him work for natural algae food. That'll bring him out :shifty:
Try rescaping you tank and putting in "open consept" slate caves... something with lots of room in side for the pleco that has a large surface area and only 2 side or something like that im sure it would be a plesent girft for the pleco to have a new home and you could see him but let him have privacy at the same time so its a win win situation

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