How To Filter My Breeding Tanks


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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Hi guys, im sure some of you will remember me saying a while back that I purchased a decent sized rack of tanks that I hope to breed a variety of clownfish in. Well ive finally got round to setting them up but need some filtration advice.

The water feeds from the tanks to a black vat underneath them. The vat is about 3 ft long, just over 1ft high and just over 1ft wide. I need some ideas what I can put in it for perform decent filtration. There will be 2 heaters, the return pump and eventually a skimmer in there too. Any ideas?

You could go live rock / and or a big external and cycle like a fish only.
id probably go a mixture tbh. Could stick a couple of little bits in each tank along with half a plant pot too
What about sticking a load of media like ceramic rings in the sump and putting a powerhead or something in there to get flow going through them all?

could do, live rocls more efficient and ceramic rings etc could become nitrate factories but it would work for now. id di a mixture if i where you
Its just the costim thinking about right now. I will do a mix, ive got more than enough rock in my reef so I can take a bit out there and put it in the breeding tanks as well as some rings and gradually swap the rings for rock.

Sounds good to me, not like your going to be at full stock for a bit anyway, going to be costly and time consuming to aquire a few breeding pairs isnt it. Although theres a stunning pair of B&W breeders for sale on UR right now
Yeah deffinatly going to be one or the other. Im thinking of going down the time consuming route of buying 2 juvinle fish rather then spending more on a breeding pair, unless of course I see a reasonable offer going.


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