How To Figure Amount Of Gph Needed?


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Midwest, USA
How do you figure how many GPH of filtration is best in regard to what size aquariums you have? Does the number and/or sizes of the fish in the aquariums make a difference as to how much you need?

As in my signature, I have a 29 gal. and a 37 gal. at this time.

For FW tanks I always just look at the discription for the filter and see what size of tank they rate it for. I normally go for a filter that is rate for a larger tank.

If I have fish that require a lot of water movement then I use Power heads as well as the filter.
With small to average sized tanks with standard filtration you want to have a turn over of at least 5 times per hour for common tropicals and up to 10 times per hour for messy fish or heavily stocked tanks such as Malaiwi Cichlid tanks.

Flow rates arent as importent for larger tanks or those with custom built sump filtration as the greater volumes of water and larger ammount of biological media compensate for water movement so 2 to 3 times per hour is acceptable.
Thanks to both of you. I *think* I understand...but I'm not entirely sure.

My 29 gal. has the Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 which is rated at 330 GPH.

My 37 gal. has the same filter so 330 GPH there, and a power head that's rated at 170 GPH.

Also, I believe the BIO-Wheels are supposedly good for up to a 70 gal. tank.

These setups are okay then?

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