How To Feed Zucchini To Small Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Ive recently been trying to feed veggies to my fish. They love peas but they hardly touch zucchini. None of them are adults. Should i chop the zucchini in really small pieces, ive been trying to slice them round and i thought they'll just take a bite but none of them do but all of them tear down the peas and love it to pieces.
Most of my fish don't like zucchini either. My bristlenose plec loves the skin - he'll strip it bare overnight. My shrimp and rabbit snails like a slice of it in their tank. My apple snails prefer cucumber and my other fish prefer blanched lettuce or spinach or shelled peas like yours. With the zucchini, I give it a quick 20 seconds in the microwave to soften it a bit and then just weight a thin slice of it down in my small tank and a big wedge in my large tank (using lead plant weights).
If you want to feed vegetarian fish, try Brussels sprouts. I just stumbled across it, but my veggie lovers will almost fight each other to get at some cooked sprouts. I used it to condition my Herotilapia multispinosa for breeding. Those guys really love their greens.

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