How to feed Betta's tankmate


New Member
Jun 19, 2003
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I have a male Betta (Horatio) who has lived alone in his 5 gallon tank for several weeks. The tank is totally cycled, and I'm ready to add a couple of tankmates. My thought is to go with a couple of pygmie cories, because the tank is heavily decorated with lots of hiding places and plants -- not leaving a lot of "floor space" for larger cories.

So here is my question: Horatio is a VORACIOUS eater. He gobbles up his BioGold pellets in no time flat, which I'm feeding at a rate of 3 in the morning and 3 at night. My concern is that, when I add the cories to the aquarium, Horatio will get to their food before they do.

Is there anything that cories eat that aren't particularly attractive to Bettas? Someone mentioned algae tablets in another post. Would those work? Does anybody know if Bettas typically eat those?

LOL I am having the same problem, I have a Pleco algae eater in with my Betta, some people have gave me some pretty good ideas, so if you wanna look at the post it might help..."Bubba" eats EVERYTHING in sight :lol:
if you feed your cories flakes more than likely the betta will show no interest in them, but you could always get some sinking algae tabs or shrimp pellets(or BOTH and alternate) drop that in the same time you feed your betta, he'll be so preoccupied with his food and the cories,being bottom feeders, will quickly be all over the pellet, so it should work out.
I have 4 guppies that top feed with my betta and it's almost like he's warned them about taking his food, if I drop in more than one bio-gold at a time and a guppy grabs it, it will immediatly pop it out of it's mouth and wait for the guppy food :lol: , I guess they must know there's heck to pay if they take what's meant for him :rolleyes: :wub:
and if you want something for your betta to harass get some ghost shrimp, mine loves to stalk them and chase them around the tank and it's no big loss when he catches one :p
I keep 3 albino cory's in with my betta and I feed them sinkig algae tabs and shrimp pellets. I have never had a problem. but like wuv sadi I feed all at the same time and I drop the betta bio gold in first so he is busy chasing it around the tank and the wafers sink right to the bottm and are attacked by the cory's. they are very cute.

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