How to deal with putting to sleep??


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
Hey all. My cat, Katie, (in my av)... is gettin old. She's I think 15 or 16 now, I have had her for as long as I can remember. The thing is, she's not so healthy anymore, and we're going to have to put her to sleep. I'm not for it, but my mom is making it happen this week. I am absolutely terrified, I don't know how I'm going to handle it. I've had a cat my entire life, and I don't know how to live without one. My parents won't let us get another after she is gone. Anyways, does anyone have some tips of what I can do when she passes? I know she has had a good life, but I can't get over that I feel we are making this happen when we don't really know if she is in pain or not. My mom thinks she is, but I'm not so sure. She just sleeps most of the time. Anyways, I am not looking foward to this and anyone who has experiences or tips to share would be great. I need all the help I can get for this coming week. Thanks guys.
:-( :-( :-( :-(
Oh,Julie :-(

Maybe your mom will reconsider and let her pass peacefully at her home :-( Any chance of that?

I don't know what to tell you,sweetie. It's gonna break your heart :(
I've put it off as long as I can.. as far as convincing my mom. She is tired of dealing with the hassle of her, I think. She has to be fed special foods and take pills and such... I still just don't understand the whole thing. You'd think I was still 8 or something.

It is gonna break my heart.. this is going to be very very hard.
HAve you tried taking full responsiblity of the cat? Maybe if you show your mother YOU alone can take on the 'hastles' maybe she'll reconsider. I've had to part with my dog I grew up with.. and I felt sick for weeks after I was so depressed..
I'm so sorry Julie :-(

My lifelong pal, a golden lab, had to be put down a few years ago. I talked with the vet both before and after my dog was put down, and he assured me that it was the right thing to do. Our talks really helped me. Another thing that helped was my dad, who stayed with my dog while he was being put to sleep.

Once again, I'm really sorry :sad:
My beautiful lurcher x dog which belonged to the family and we had had for 14 years had to be put down last year. She had a stroke and it was so distressing to watch her stagger around, we knew it was the kindest thing to put her down. Your cat doesn't understand whats going on, and you have to think about what her quality of life would be like if you forced her to carry on. If its fine and you would be okay about having to live her life, try and persuade your mum to kepe her alive.

But if you couldn't face it, don't make her do it. It may make it easier if the vet was to do a call out and put Katie to sleep in your home, wherever Katie is happiest.

If she does have to be put down, you have to be strong. Its ok to cry, and the depression will fade. Just treasure your memories and remember, if you believe there is another side, you will see her there.

For the first few weeks you'll be looking at her favourite haunts and expecting to see her there and she isn't there. You'll be seeing her everywhere, coming up to you, and it is very hard. Remember, everyone here will always want to talk to you about her, if you need to talk.

I hope you can persuade your mum to keep her alive. Good luck, keep us posted.

I feel for you. I had to put my cat Tiger down a few years ago.

I actually held him in my arms as the vet injected him. It happens within seconds. The thing that helped me was to focus on him and wish him positive thoughts as he left. Happy thoughts. I don't know if it made his transition easier but it made me feel better.

I still miss him sometimes. Try to remember it's for the best. :/
I really dont know what to say hun. It's heartbreaking. I'm a big softie when it comes to my animals and I hated it when we had to have my cat Sooty put down. Sometimes you get so attached to a pet it's as if they are a person and your best friend.

I hope you keep you chin up and try to be positive like rykitten says.

and now I'm crying :-(
I am very sorry to hear that.. What does the vet say about it.. If the cat sleeps all the time then I dont see it being in pain.. I know if something is hurting me I cant sleep.. I dont see it being any different in animals.. If you have had the cat that long I know that is old for a cat but I have seen them live for 24 years and older.. That would be very hard for me I couldnt do it. I know it is hard but I would try to talk my mom out of it.. I would tell her that I would give the cats medicine to it. Do you think that would make a difference. I would explain to her how much the cat means to me. See if that helps any..
thats horrible. If its on pills and sleeps doesnt mean that its going to die. She minght be able to live 4 or 5 more years. What are the pills for? Im sorry that your moms putting her down. When my cat died I thought i wouldnt be able to get over it either. But I did, and was in about a week. I did have my other cat though. But it is hard to lose a pet. :-(
Awww :-( :-( :-( Julie, I'm so sorry. :-( :-( :-(

My cat Sabrina died last summer and she was 18, it was so hard. She actually died on Spencer's lap and he just kept petting her. It was heartbreaking so I understand how you feel. I have to admit that I still think I see her around the house and I don't think there's any quick way to get over it, but you will. It's hard and we're always here to talk to. :(
Awww Juliet I am very sorry to hear that. I am in your boat ...having an 18 year old cat whith kidney disease.

I work at a vet clinic and what I can tell you is that it is a very peaceful painless process. I just thought you might take some comfort in knowing that.

I don't think age has much to do with don't be embarrassed about how you are feeling. Losing an animal is very painful at any hurts like hell.

Everyone is different. Some people like to talk about their pets (on message boards or to friends and or family members) and others like to grieve alone.....working though it by themselves. Some do a combination of both.

At first it's going to be very overwhelming, but what I can tell you is that is does get better. You will just have to give yourself time.

You and your kitty will be in my thoughts. Take care.
ruby shark is right i saw it being done with a horse. i gave my friends horse 4 GREAT days of walking and misting her with water (cats might not like that [mine doesn't]) before the hard part. so if you can make your cats last days GREAT ones.

our poor gulliver (golden retriever) had to be put down b/c he had a brain tumor and it was making him whine a lot. I think it really hurt him, the brain tumor that is. Unfortunately, it was such a sudden thing that i was in Florida visiting some relatives at the time and i wasn't there, but i got to say good-bye before i left. It's still hard, cuz i expect him to come running through my room whenever there is a thunder storm. it does get a little better w/ time tho.

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