How To Create A Playlist


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
Brighton, England
Hi Guys

I have just made up an mp3 compilation for my not so great mp3 player as it doesn't display id3 tags. I have the memory card in a card reader so i can view ther files. What i would like to do is create a track list in excel or something similar but i don't want to have to manually input all the information(186 separate tracks!!), is there a way to maybe copy/paste just the text info?


it depends on the mp3 player.

it should say how to make playlists in the manual i would of thought.

if you want to make a playlist that you can compile into a .m3u file

put the mp3 files in the root of your c:\ drive (not the best solution, but this wil ensure you dont have any explicit path names or drive letters in the output)

go to a dos prompt, enter the directory where all your songs are by typing in cd \

type in dir *.mp3 /b >playlist.m3u

this will give you all the files ending with .mp3 and send the output into the file playlist.m3u

copy that file to your mp3 player and give it a try

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