How To Convert ('c - 'f)


Feb 17, 2007
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This is some maths that if done right it will convert 'C digrees into 'F digrees. (Tempreture)

First take a number. Lets say: 10'C Digrees

Then multiply the number '9' times. ETC:___________ 10 (Times) 9 = 90.

Then divide the number by '5.' ETC:_____________ 90 (divided) 5 = 18.

Then add 32 to the number. ETC.: ______________ The number is '18' so 18 + 32 = 50.

Place a ('F) after the 50 and you get 50'f.

Thats how you convert -'C Digrees-into-'F digrees.
Then multiply the number '9' times. ETC:___________ 10 (Times) 9 = 90.

Then divide the number by '5.' ETC:_____________ 90 (divided) 5 = 18.

Then add 32 to the number. ETC.: ______________ The number is '18' so 18 + 32 = 50.

You could cut out the middle part by just multiplying by 1.8. e.g.

°F = ( °C × 1.8 ) + 32

I can understand that the way you show it would be a heck of a lot easier to do without a calculator though. Good for a quick in your head calculation.
Then multiply the number '9' times. ETC:___________ 10 (Times) 9 = 90.

Then divide the number by '5.' ETC:_____________ 90 (divided) 5 = 18.

Then add 32 to the number. ETC.: ______________ The number is '18' so 18 + 32 = 50.

You could cut out the middle part by just multiplying by 1.8. e.g.

°F = ( °C ⿿ 1.8 ) + 32

I can understand that the way you show it would be a heck of a lot easier to do without a calculator though. Good for a quick in your head calculation.
Some smart people will prefer to do it in your head to make you better at doing maths in your mind. :good:
lol rough in head sum "double it and add 30", only gives you a ball park answer, but its enough. not accurate enough for your fish, but the temps for fish are always given in both, same with most thermometers too.
lol rough in head sum "double it and add 30", only gives you a ball park answer, but its enough. not accurate enough for your fish, but the temps for fish are always given in both, same with most thermometers too.
It's actualy 32. 'bump'
Try using google calculator for all your conversions, it's damn useful.

For instance, working out tank sizes (in gallons litres etc) is a total breeze.. Just enter '72 inches * 24 inches * 24 inches in us gallons' and the answer will automagically appear. It's awesome for currency conversions too because it keeps current exchange rates.

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