how to clean your tank


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
Im confused cos like i have a 10 gallon aquarium and the gravel just keeps trapping tones of dirt, so is there a way i should clean it somehow? or do a thorogh clean out or what ? :S
You will need to buy (or make) a gravel vacume to clean the gravel, this works but plunging a tube into the gravel and syphoning out all the dirt when you do water changes. You will only be able to do a small area of the tank before you have taken out as much water as you can so do each section in turn once a week.
Gravel cleaners are great! I use mine for my water changes as well.

That's what you need. I lightly clean over my sand when doing changes (I used to do the same with gravel).

Just be careful to not do it too much as do disturb the bacteria in the gravel.
The gravel vacs the only way to do it, IMO. Just thrust up and down into the gravel (not sideways), and the water won't get dirty (not to mention the added benefit of doing a water change and cleaning the gravel).

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