How To Clean Gravel Around Dense Plants


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2007
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I'm finding most maintenance quite easy but have a couple of questions regarding cleaning gravel which are probably very noob-ish, but hey :) better to ask then to guess..

I have a very fine gravel - almost like sand and I've finally got used to gravel-vaccing the open area at the front of my tank, but around plants it seems impossible.

I can see quite a few bits of brown leaf bits around the stems of plants and can get bits from the front plants with my hands, but towards the back, if I try, I end up uprooting everything and causing more of a mess than was there to start with. It doesn't look like poo..

Should I just leave these bits? If not, what's the best way to get rid of them?

My Ammonia is staying at 0, so it doesn't seem that they're causing much affect on the chemistry..

Thanks for any help!
In my nano tank I use a 6mm airline, start the vacuum by sucking quickly on the end (don't swallow the water! lol) and then this can be used as quite a strong, but nimble way of getting between the plants. When judged just right then detrius is sucked up, but not sand, this takes a little practise, but is then a very good way of cleaning the substrate.
that's a good idea - thanks!

I'll buy some tube and give that a try this weekend.

Definitely wont be sucking on it to get it started though :D .. If you submerge the whole pipe (so it fills with water) and then use your thumb to block one end while you take it out of the water, then let go once it's lower than the end inside the tank, it will start by itself... no risk of drinking tank water!!
... and then use your thumb to block one end while you take it out of the water, then let go once it's lower than the end inside the tank, it will start by itself... no risk of drinking tank water!!

What's wrong with drinking tank water? Actually, it mixes very well with a good Scotch Whiskey. I myself have never tried it, but my guests always compliment me on the good drinks I make. One day I'll have to let them in on my little secret.
i got a 25 litre tank, what gravel size gravel cleaner do i need? thanks
Not sure about the chemistry of this. I believe that rotting plant matter doesn't contribute to Ammonia production (NOT SURE ABOUT THIS PLEASE BACK ME UP OR CORRECT ME) but it does alter your PH. If you allow plant matter to decay in your tank it can lower your PH. I believe that is the aspect of your water chemistry you should be paying attention to concerning your plants.
you could always try removing the hoover part and just use the hose attached. i got some window washer hose from halfords thinking that it would solve my problem, but it syphons too slowly and not a lot really got sucked up. then, because of the small diameter hosing, it blocked very easily.

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