How To Bring Out Your Fishes Colors


New Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Many people want there fish to get there peak coloration and it is not that hard.. I use Aquarium salt that adds electrolytes that help there gills and also help make the fish brighter.. Also get a good brand color enhancing fish food i use Aqueon Color flakes and the love to eat it. its as easy as that just follow the products directions... hope this help a little bit.
Agree with BB, for the vast majority of average tropical fishkeeping situations, salt is not recommended. WD

edit: Trops showing good color is a complicated topic. One element is the lighting, background and substrate color and texture and the angles of viewing. Another important element is whether the fish is stressed. Water chemistry, species stocking and interspecies relationships can be big factors for this element. Another element is how much live food, frozen food and variety makes it in to the diet and simply the genetics of the individual specimens!

Anyway, interesting topic idea! :)
I agree with WaterDrop and BB, most tropical's do not appreciate salt, as it is not found in their natural habitat. The electrolytes have almost no impact on color. It helps cell structure, more than anything. I can only come up with one fish at the top of my head that appreciates salt, and that would be mollies. Wild mollies (such as green sailfins) appreciate it more than would a regular dalmation molly. For color enhancing, just feed Sprinula Flakes , or flakes/pellets rich in it and carotenes (spelling?).
Aquarium salt is used a lot when fish get sick. But you aren't supposed to add the salt to the tank that they are living in. Instead, you are supposed to siolate them into a seperate container, and let them soak in the salt bath there.
If you want colors like others have stated a solid background goes a long way along with appropriate lighting. Also I can recommend cyclopeeze it is truly a great product IMO and I noticed an increase in colors within the first few weeks

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