I was hoping to breed either cories or bristlenoses, would they breed in my nursery tank with just baby guppies ?? Which one is more likely to be successful and how do i sex them when i buy them ? any other advice?
Common Ancistrus (Bristlenose) Pl*co's will breed really easily. From what I've read/heard, Cories are a little harder to breed !!! BN's should be fine in your nursery tank with baby guppies. What size tank is it ?? Ideal for a breeding pair of BN's and fry, you'll need about a 10G tank.
BN's are sexable when they get to about 2" in length. The male in most of the common species will have 'bristle's' on his nose, and the female will not.
Corys are not difficult fish to breed, and I often recommend the C. aeneus (bronze or albino) or the C. paleatus (peppered cory) to members who want to try breeding an egg laying fish. Once they are mature they often spawn with little or no encouragement.
The fry cannot be raised with livebearer fry because even guppy fry are fierce and will attack and eat the much smaller cory fry. I would suggest setting up a separate breeding tank where you can condition the corys, let them spawn and then return them to their original tank. This way the fry will stand their best chance to grow and thrive.