How To Arrange My Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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I had a ten gallon aquarium that was set up as a community tank. Stupidly, I asked my mother to care for it for a weekend while I was away. She febreezed my room, and some got into the tank. My only survivors are two danios and... something I can't remember the name of. It's about 1 1/2 inches long, green top with red belly, black spot by it's tail. It's a bit nippy with the comet goldfish I have (we'll get to him in a second).

These fish are currently in a two gallon aquarium with a very small comet goldfish that a (well-meaning but tragically uninformed) friend got me as a gift. Yes, I realize these are horrible horrible conditions for them, but I do a 1/4 water change every day and they seem to be coping. The ten-gallon had to be dismantled, cleaned, and re-cycled to get rid of any remaining chemicals. It's now ready to be re-stocked.

My questions are:

What the hell should I do with the goldfish!?
And, what fish should I restock my ten gallon with? I'm looking for personality first, color second.
Either 1 male Betta and 4 or 5 platies and a school of cories (about 4 or 5, again); a sorority of female Bettas (5, 6, or 7 tends to work best), with a school of cories; a school of 15 neon tetras; a group of male or female platies (only one sex unless you want tons of fry); male guppies.... :lol:

Hey, they're all suited for tanks like this! ^^; :lol:
yeah, your lucky your friends even care about you! just discreetly return it and tell your friend it commited suicide

and then go ith one of the suggestions!

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