how to add a divider


New Member
Feb 2, 2005
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I have a 5 gal tank with a bowed front. I would like to divide the tank so I can put two bettas in (for company). Anyone have suggestions on how I might do this. I am guessing the regular tank dividers would not fit with the bowed front. Thanks for your help!
One of my 5gals also has a slightly bowed front, but a divider fits ok. Someone posted here the other day because their tank had a bowed front and their female fighters kept swimming through the gap. I think someone else suggested stuffing the gap with - cotton wool???? - but I'm not sure. :dunno:
i have a mini bow 5 that i had 2 males in with a divider. i had to buy a divider sized for a 10 gal and then cut it to fit the 5 gal. the tank was only curved from side to side, not top to bottom, so i didn't have to alter the front edge, other than cutting it to fit into the tank...
i was surprised, because i thought that i would have to contour the front edge to make it fit. i never had problems with the bettas getting through, but i think they were either biting theit tails of couldn't handle the filter flow, so i ended up putting them in unfiltered 1 gallons (we'll see if that helps)! :D
I bought a divider for a 10 gal today and cut it down to fit my 5 gal. It seems to be working great and my betta boy seems happy to have some company. I added another male to the other side. The new boy was a bit shy at first, but is now out and about checking out his tank mate. I am still trying to decide on names for the boys. Thanks for the advice.

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