Fish Crazy
About a month ago, I had a guppy fry which appeared to have a really really bent spine, at the time it was "S" shaped.
I decided rather than let it continue to grow deformed I would "feed" it to my rather large angels, anyhow it seemed to use pretty much all of its nine lives and today I have found it hovering under the slate cave in my community tank.
It has grown massively and is now about an inch long, and wierdest of all the spine is completely normal ... I cant understand how it appeared soooo bent before and now seems completely healthy and is now back in with the sibling fry
It must be some strong guppy .. It survived the angels!! and now seems in its element !! ???
I decided rather than let it continue to grow deformed I would "feed" it to my rather large angels, anyhow it seemed to use pretty much all of its nine lives and today I have found it hovering under the slate cave in my community tank.
It has grown massively and is now about an inch long, and wierdest of all the spine is completely normal ... I cant understand how it appeared soooo bent before and now seems completely healthy and is now back in with the sibling fry
It must be some strong guppy .. It survived the angels!! and now seems in its element !! ???