How soon


Feb 5, 2004
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I have been an amateur tropical fan for about 2 years and have been running a 4' bow front tank for about 10 months.

I have just reset the whole thing as I had a bacteria explosion causing death and disease in 65% of my stock.

Although I have cleaned the glass I have used the old foam medium in the filter unit but as all of my fish are now in an 18x12x12 breeding tank I was wondering if anyone knows the minimum safe time required for tank to establish before fish can be introduced ?.

I have a red tailed black shark, 2 x Gold nugget pleco's, a Queen Arabesque a Net Plec and a Syodontis Eupterus which all need out of the little tank which also contains some smaller fish. I think all of the above are fairly tough but I only took them out yesterday and don't want to stress them too much.

I thought 2 - 3 days should be ok, not ideal I know but between that and a small tank of dead fish ........, :crazy:
There really is no minimum time, other then the cycling issue. As long as the temperature is the same as the tank they are now in, and the water has ahad a couple of hours to oxygenate, you can add them at any time.
nice one mate, I will try to add them after me dinner. if you are right the fish will thank you !!
Thanxx again ciclidoid bwana. All the bigger boyz are back in their more roomy playground and are all well happy. Although my Queen Arabesque thrashed about so wildly during transfer she wriggled out of my grasp and sailed in a rather ungainly but impressive arc into the dog basket !! Needless to say she, of all the fish suffered the most stress and was so discoloured her acutely detailed beautiful black lines were almost gone although she seems to be recovering now.

Many thanks again, you saved me a few days of needless worry and possibly saved me loosing all of my most prized (and expensive) specimen's.

Laters Buddy

Fat Bob
You could follow my sig to cycling....its a very very good artcicle ;)

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