Ok so my male last night finished off the last of the fry that had only hatched the night before! I was wondering how long until he will be ready to breed again as I have a female who is ready now?
Start conditioning them now but dont let them breed for a week or two. If he doesnt take interest put a mirror on the side of the wall that should work.
Ok another quick question don't fancy starting a new thread!
Would it be ok to cross a mainly blue betta female with a red male betta? I'm not keen on mixed coloured bettas personally I prefer them to be mainly one colour! Are certain colours like tail types and have dominent and recesive ones? Or will I end up with multi coloured offspring?
Thanks for that! Def not crossing the red with the blue female! I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks for my blue male to fatten up again! I just hope my female doesnt get egg bound in the process! She is looking way too fat and looked to have an egg protruding last night and is already barring!
There isn't anything wrong with multi coloured ones I just don't want to mix them I have a multi coloured DT but he just isn't as stunning as my other two thats all and I want to try for solid colours as have people already asking for them rather than having loads of multi's! It's personal choice thats all!
I aint a fan of multi colours either I prefer one colour aswell. But it depends on the person. Thats why I am buyin solid colour betta's and butterfly betta's.
Dunno my gabriel has turned a nice shade of red now he has settled in! But like we both agree it's each to their own! Like some like VT's others prefer a plakat! It's just personal taste and as long as the fish are well looked after then thats all that matters at the end of the day
Your betta is getting so beautiful. Cant remember what he is in with but I am sure you said he was in a bigger tank with friends! Mine are all too way agressive to go in with others. I think I need to get a mini heater though!! (another I should say)