How should I stock my tanks?


Fish Crazy
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
Okay, here is what I have:
10 gal acrylic tank w/ undergravel filter
29 gal glass tank w/ undergravel filter
55 gal glass tank with Emporer 400 HOB + undergravel filter

I used to have oscars in the 55, but they got hole-in-the-head and I couldn't get it to clear up, no matter what treatment I tried. I eventually euthanized them. :sad:

My current stock of fish includes:
3 male guppies
5 rasboras
2 kissing gouramis
a breeding pair of Blue Paradise gouramis
1 large (2" dia.) black snail
1 Pimelodus albofasciatus

I REALLY want to have a tank of Black Moors and Orandas, and I think they would be best off in the 55, but I am thinking that I am going to have to put the gouramis, snail, and Pim. in it, and use the 29 for the goldfishes if I get them at all. :/

I am not willing to buy another tank.

What do ya'll suggest? :byebye:
mhoward1999 said:
Okay, here is what I have:
10 gal acrylic tank w/ undergravel filter
29 gal glass tank w/ undergravel filter
55 gal glass tank with Emporer 400 HOB + undergravel filter

I used to have oscars in the 55, but they got hole-in-the-head and I couldn't get it to clear up, no matter what treatment I tried. I eventually euthanized them. :sad:

My current stock of fish includes:
3 male guppies
5 rasboras
2 kissing gouramis
a breeding pair of Blue Paradise gouramis
1 large (2" dia.) black snail
1 Pimelodus albofasciatus

I REALLY want to have a tank of Black Moors and Orandas, and I think they would be best off in the 55, but I am thinking that I am going to have to put the gouramis, snail, and Pim. in it, and use the 29 for the goldfishes if I get them at all. :/

I am not willing to buy another tank.

What do ya'll suggest? :byebye:
Here is my plan for you:

10 gallon:
3 male guppies
5 rasboras

29 gallon:
2 kissing gouramis
a breeding pair of Blue Paradise gouramis
1 large (2" dia.) black snail
1 Pimelodus albofasciatus

55 gallon:
Thanks, Fresh_Start!

You really think it'll work?! :eek: I am afraid that the PA will attack everything. Right now my KG are about 2" and my BPG are about 3" and my PA is about 6 or 7". Should I wait to let all the Gs grow before adding him? That's the tank he was originally in, but he killed pleco, so he got evicted to the 55 (which was on standby for the perfect black moor) all by himself...
mhoward1999 said:
Thanks, Fresh_Start!

You really think it'll work?! :eek: I am afraid that the PA will attack everything. Right now my KG are about 2" and my BPG are about 3" and my PA is about 6 or 7". Should I wait to let all the Gs grow before adding him? That's the tank he was originally in, but he killed pleco, so he got evicted to the 55 (which was on standby for the perfect black moor) all by himself...
I don't know much about the pimelodus albofasciatus. Better check with a catfish expert.

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