How Old Were You When You Started Keeping Bettas And....


Sep 3, 2005
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How old were you when you started keeping bettas and how many did you have when you started and were they male or female and what was their fin type? I was 12 when I started keeping bettas, it was only 1 male betta and it was a veil tail and it was a solid blood red. :drool: But it died.
How old were you when you started keeping bettas and how many did you have when you started and were they male or female and what was their fin type? I was 12 when I started keeping bettas, it was only 1 male betta and it was a veil tail and it was a solid blood red. :drool: But it died.
I got a blue veiltail male for my fifth birthday. He lasted a couple of years in a 3 foot community tank.
Durbkat how old are you now?

I think I got my first betta when I was 31? I'm not sure. He was a blue veil tail and I named him Ben. I'm 35 now.
It seems ages ago since I first started keep bettas. I was probably in the 5th grade when my brother and I bought our first bettas which were male veiltails. Of course, at that time I was quite naive and wash my betta's container with soap and well, you know what happen :X.
My first betta was a blue VT male with red wash. I believe I was around five or six, I'm now 17. My second betta was a pale blue/purple VT female. Around the same time, but after I had gotten the male. It's funny, I don't remember a whole lot of my younger childhood, but I do remember the fish. :blink: Weird...
9 I think. Got two VTs. My little sister named one Ashely, despite it was a he, and the other Neptune. Neptune was Cambodian red, and Ashley was violet. Sadly, Ashley died three days after I got him cause of some swim bladder disease. I had Neptune for at least 1 1/2 yrs.
I've been keeping Betta's for 14 years (on my 15th) now :)

Well, I guess I was about 52, just B4 my 53rd birthday. I still have Betta #1 Mr Wu. After the hormones started going away, I just don't have time for anything that's not fun or funny, that's boring, grave, serious, somber, chaotic or angst-ridden. I admire Mr Wu's sense of fun, cheerfulness and ability to rebound. He's friendly and always up for a chat and fits perfectly into the emotional ecosystem of my residence.
When I was 5, my mom bought me a pretty blue male VT from Walmart, and we took it home..and I was so exicted to watch it eat, and my mom warned me that I might overfeed it. So I thought for a few minutes..."Toilet paper isn't food!" The poor thing was dead in an hour.

But...I guess I've been keeping them *alive* for 2 years now :p I've had other fish before then, though. I have a soft spot for white tipped VT goldfish.
I was about 12 or 13 years old... I'm 14 now. My first betta (and first fish) was a regular multicoloured VT. His name was Charlie and he had the sweetest personality. Unfortunately I only had him for a bit over a month. He developed fungus after a freak tank accident. :-(

He lived in Jerry's current 1.5 gal tank.

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