How Old Is Your Oldest Aquarium?


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Michigan - The Great Lake State
It's not ancient, but I have a 35 gallon (US) acrylic aquarium that is now 15 years old. What is the age of your oldest tank?

I also have a 15 year old AquaClear power filter that I still use. Do you have any items that others consider past their prime but still work as new? :)

Edit: spelling
My first ever tank was a juwel the rekord 60 12 gal, had the tank set up 3 years now.
7 year old 45 gallon. It'd had tetras, guppies, platies, mollies, channel cats, sunfish, cories, and eels in it's lifetime. Oh and frogs and tadpoles. Currently it has 1 painted turtle, 1 2 inch snapping turtle, 3 small channel cats, 2 sunfish, 1 small crappy, and a few unidentified fish, that look like guppies, but about a half inch bigger, and there just normal colored, boring fish. Oh yea, and a few minnows and shiners from when I we went fishing.
My first tank was an acrylic 2 gallon hex, and I still have it. It just hit 10 years old. Its running on a bookshelf here in my living room.

I also have a 10 gallon that is 9 years old.

My third tank was a 20 gallon that was abused and ancient when I got it 9 years ago. Who knows how old it actually is. Most likely that is the oldest one I own, but I can't be sure.

My 55 gallon seems very old but I got it used less than a year ago so I have no idea. The previous owners could have just abused it.
I first got an aquarium when i was young, around 15 years ago. It was second hand back then but i'm still using it today. Not the best tank though, bit beaten up and plenty of scratches
Oldest running? 3 years
Oldest equipment? At least 20 years, in fact I don't think I have anything under 10. :lol:
15 year old acrilic hex tank (hurrah for the eighties). it now sits somewhat scratched in my daughters room with a couple of regular goldfish in it.
Nothing too ancient, a 10g that's about 2 years old and a 1g for my very first betta is about 4 years old.

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