How Old Are You

Oh well, honesty best policy I suppose...............58........but still get suprised when I'm called Granny :music:
Oh well, honesty best policy I suppose...............58........but still get suprised when I'm called Granny :music:
Me also racegoer I get "it's really nice that you take your granddaughter skating , fishing or whatever". The look I get is priceless when I say she's my daughter not my granddaughter. Wonder if it's my white hair that confuses them lol.
OMG, I'm sorry to hear that! :sad: I can tell you that it does get a little better with time as it's been 3.5 years now, but it'll never completely go away.

In 1991 my mom battled Thyroid cancer and won that battle. Then in September of 2003 she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. She passed away 11 months later. My daughter was 3 weeks old at the time. Us 3 kids thought she was doing alright... she had a bone marrow transplant January of 04 and no one told us about the cancer coming back. She didn't want us to worry about it. I found out after her death that they realized it had come back when I was in the hospital having my daughter. I thought I was neat that we were in the same hospital at the same time. I had no idea that it was that serious. She had been in and out of the hospital a lot during the whole 11 months.
When she died I was 21, my little bro 18, and my baby sister was only 15. It was hard on all of us...especially my dad. I remember him telling me "I feel lost and I don't know what to do". I didn't know what to tell him either. He's now remarried and happy. Luckily my step mom is just as nice as my mom was. I really lucked out in that category. I've heard some horror stories about step-parents and watched my cousin live through a horrible experience with that.

Can I ask what your mom had?

Mom had vaginal cancer, they didn't catch it until it was end stage, by the time they diagnosed it and did a ct scan it had spred to her bones, lungs, liver, and in the last week her brain. She died 24 days after being diagnosed, it just happend so fast.

She fought it to the very end though, she was so damn stubborn :wub: . She spent her time trying to cheer everyone else up, until in the last few days when she didn't know who anyone else was. I think other than just the shock and speed of the cancer, the hardest thing was to see such a strong intelligent person reduced to being bed-bound (she used to get so angry when I'd lay around in bed, according to her if you slept past 9 am, you were wasting the day :lol: ) and not knowing who anyone was in just a matter of days. My uncle and I were with her at the end, and while that was the most horrible thing I've lived through, I'm glad I was there with her and she didn't have to die alone.

I know it will get easier, it just so hard not being able to pick up the phone and gripe about our day, or get one of her stupid/funny e-mails that never failed to make me laugh. We never really had a normal mother/daughter relationship, we'd always been friends, so it was a double blow to lose my mom and best friend at the same time.

I'm sorry you lost your mom too, and I'm glad that your dad found someone that made him happy. I'm sure your mom is proud that all of you have gone on living, it's so easy to give up, but losing someone that close to you really make you look at your life and reevaluate your priorities.

Ok, enough depressing stuff (sorry everyone), thought I'd add a couple more birthdays. My cats, Mr. Bailey turned 5 in May, and Dinah will be 8 in August. They are both dedicated fish keepers, but tend to slack on the water changes. :fun:
Well a quick scan and I have noticed you are all children. Racegoer, Debbie888, you are both young, then there's this quote which I like
"Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough."
from BigC.
I particularly like that. I must say I was a little surprised at how young some rather mature people on here turned out to be. It speaks well of the younger generation in my mind.
I am only 60 years young until late October but its not much of an accomplishment. If I can manage to eat cold cereal for breakfast, or do anything else, for another 15 years I'll be 75 but so what? My grandchildren are starting to mature and one will be in high school next year. I enjoy my time with them but they are not really an accomplishment either. Talk to their parents and you'll find someone who has made an effort with them, my effort was with their parents.
I must say I was a little surprised at how young some rather mature people on here turned out to be. It speaks well of the younger generation in my mind.

I agree, I don't live in a very good area, there's a lot of really rough kids around here, saw a group of 5 yr olds trying to smash down a wall the other day..... have to wwonder what the world is coming too...... but on this forum there are some really wise and mature people on here who remind me that teenagers aren't all bad!!
I must say I was a little surprised at how young some rather mature people on here turned out to be. It speaks well of the younger generation in my mind.

I agree, I don't live in a very good area, there's a lot of really rough kids around here, saw a group of 5 yr olds trying to smash down a wall the other day..... have to wwonder what the world is coming too...... but on this forum there are some really wise and mature people on here who remind me that teenagers aren't all bad!!

It gets me mad when they say 'kids these days' not everyone is the same. Some of the adults are just as bad.
It gets me mad when they say 'kids these days' not everyone is the same. Some of the adults are just as bad.

Yeh same... it also annoys me when im with all my mates.. we're pretty "chavvy" and we play music on our phones and stuff, but all we do is chat and listen to music and stuff like that. never anything anti-social. But the looks we get! and some people cross the road so they dont walk past us and its like.. WTH?

and then we walk upto lidls (woop) for something to drink and they dont let us all in the shop... :angry: :angry:

makes me so mad.
I must say I was a little surprised at how young some rather mature people on here turned out to be. It speaks well of the younger generation in my mind.

I agree, I don't live in a very good area, there's a lot of really rough kids around here, saw a group of 5 yr olds trying to smash down a wall the other day..... have to wwonder what the world is coming too...... but on this forum there are some really wise and mature people on here who remind me that teenagers aren't all bad!!

It gets me mad when they say 'kids these days' not everyone is the same. Some of the adults are just as bad.


Lol joke, Not many 16 year olds are that bad its the ones younger then us and the crack heads. Although I do have a chav within side me ;)
oh yeah, some of the adults round here are worse than a lot of the kids!!!
Shout out to the Essex massive bigg up

nowt wrong with chavs

Shout out to the Essex massive bigg up

nowt wrong with chavs
Shout out to the Essex massive bigg up

nowt wrong with chavs

Shout out to the Essex massive bigg up

nowt wrong with chavs

Indeed theres isnt apart from Asbo's which are a bit different from chavs :D

Im going to see Adulthood tonight :shifty:

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