How Old Are You

16 on August 18th

I've always been suprised about how many teenagers are refular posters on the board
Haha BTT, are you feeling the big 30 looming? I started panicking when I was 28 about how old I was gonna be, lol. But hit 30 this January... sulked for a day or so, on holiday away from everyone :p and then got ridiculously drunk, had my worst ever hangover, and realised I was never gonna grow up :p 30 is fine except for when you actually remember you are 30!
25, turn 26 in July :sad: wrong side of 25..... that doesn't feel good!

Don't you start, it was my other halfs 27th birthday and she was going on about being old...?!?

I'm 23 going on 30, turning into a grumpy old man far too early.
Well, I guess I'll take a huge lead in the oldest department. Just turned 56 two weeks ago. Now don't you all feel young again?
lol, i've been going on 30 since the age of 15 :rolleyes:
Hey Athena I'll say I'm 45 to make you feel better. I'd like to be 45; great age. Actually born 9/12/55 which would make me 53 later this year. :D
18 on the 13th of august, best time its nice and warm and guaranteed NO!! school but it wont really apply this years as ill be leaving.


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