How Old Are Auratus Before The Males Start To Turn Black?

jus wanted to warn you if you have an m. auratus keep a very close eye on him.

theyre contenders for the most viscious cichlid out there. your ok till they mature but then its wooping time.

i lost about 12 malawis in less than a week to mine. it jus snapped or something. i think there possesed :crazy:
Yes I do have one and he has an attitude:) I am keeping an eye on him but for the time being everything is ok. He is a bit antagonistic towards some of his other tankmates however nothing serious. That said Ive tried unsuccessfully a few times to add new fish to the community the most recent a red devil. While he is fine with his current tank mates, he and one of the other fish in the community are both extremly agressive to anything new Ive attempted to put in there. Guess for the time being Ill just have to keep it as is:) Thanx for the reply.

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